
Loneliness creeps in and your bones feel dry. You muster up the courage to smile. You try to push through but the presence of the spirit of loneliness is like a thick grey cloud. It clouds everything and makes you feel like you’re drowning and fighting to keep your head above water. And when you’re fighting to keep your head up, there is no choice but to look up. When everything else has failed and you’re looking up, you see the light.

In that moment you have a choice, you can allow the spirit of loneliness to wrap its chains around you and bind you. And you know that when you’re bound by chains, the weight of the chains will cause you to sink into the dark water and drown.

Or you have the choice to grab ahold of the light and when you grab ahold of the light, it WILL give you strength. It will give you the strength to keep treading water. It will give you the strength to command the spirit of loneliness to flee. And then the light will seem a bit brighter and bigger and as the light seems brighter and bigger, you begin to feel two things: love and hope. And when love and hope plant seeds in your heart and your mind, faith is the supernatural byproduct that begins to change things. Faith is the game changer that brings you out of the sea of discouragement and onto the land of promise where His goodness and mercy will follow you.

Keep holding on. You might still be in the water, but light is shining down on you and calling you to choose light when it seems dark, as when you choose light, He comes to rescue you and hold you up by your right hand. He is ready to give you love and hope so that you can have faith that He will never leave you nor forsake you and you will never be alone again and His goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life.

~Spiritual Grinder Girl~


Everybody you hate, God loves. Grace and mercy are given freely. Don’t let the enemy trap you in an anger cycle. That’s a ploy of the enemy- to get you stuck so you cannot move forward in your purpose. It’s not a human agenda, it’s an enemy agenda. Read that again. It’s absolutely an enemy agenda. Don’t be fooled into fighting humans when the actual battle is against evil in the unseen world.

I get it, it’s hard to be angry at something you can’t tangibly see, but you also can’t see the forces of magnetism or gravity, yet we know they exist because we see of “effects” these forces produce. It is the same with evil- we can see the “effects” these forces produce such as, confusion, chaos, rebellion, lies/deception, bitterness, uncontrollable anger, discord, division, isolation, pride, envy, etc.

I don’t know about you, but I cannot stand when someone fools me or thinks that I am too foolish to see the games they are playing.  This is what the enemy thinks. He thinks he is so clever and charming that he can fool you into believing that you should hold onto anger and tries to deceive you into believing you should hold onto anger so that you won’t get hurt again or so that you can punish someone, but this a huge fallacy. 

The enemy knows if you hold onto anger that you won’t be able to hold tight to Christ because anger is the opposite of love and God is love. He knows if you hold onto anger that it will cause division which is the opposite of God’s plan to bring unity. The enemy knows if you hold onto anger, it will isolate you. He knows that anger leads to bitterness and that bitterness leads to a hardened heart and when your heart is hardened, it is difficult to hear God and receive love from God and others. He knows that holding onto anger towards people, ultimately leads to anger towards God and not believing that God’s promises apply to you. And boom. There you have it, he effectively has stopped you in your tracks from not only moving forward in purpose, but also loving others and receiving love from others.

Don’t be fooled by the enemy’s old tricks. If you want to get fired up, get fired up at the master of lies- the great accuser and instead, do the opposite of what he wants and forgive easily, give grace and mercy to others, love others with compassion, serve others, and most importantly, pour it all out to the One who gave His life for your freedom and who loves you without fail and will never leave you or forsake you.

Rise up warriors of God. You are love. ~Spiritual Grinder Girl~

“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12 NLT